What you'll need:
pine cones
red berries
hot glue gun
1. Take a walk. Pick up any dead branches or even break off branches from the tree in the backyard. Also, keep an eye out for pine cones. You'll need 6-8 to put on your decoration.
2. Once you've got a nice bundle of branches, bunch them together to look like antlers. Tie the branches together with yarn to keep them from falling all over the place
3. Next, use red berries from your local dollar store OR if while on your walk you find a bush with red berries, pick a few of those branches! Place the berries and pine cones randomly on the branches.
5. Use your hot glue gun to keep the berries and pine cones in their place.
6. Tie a ribbon around the middle of your decoration. I found my ribbon at Dollar Tree. It had over 9 feet of ribbon so I can use it on other decorations or gift wrapping.
Total amount spent was only $2!!! I love this decoration because I know it is one of a kind. Even if someone else made one, it won't look exactly like mine. Having to only spend $2 was also a nice perk. This decoration also gives off a nice woodsy smell--perfect for the holiday season. Happy decorating!!
I really like your idea!