Tuesday, October 4, 2011

a Trick for holding your Treats!

Who decided that it's creepy for a 22 year old to dress up for Halloween and go Trick-or-Treating...? What other day can a girl get a pillowcase full of candy and not feel guilty about eating it all within 2 weeks? Uh...none!

Halloween is one of my most favorite holidays! I think every holiday should include loads of make-up, pumpkin carving & handfuls of candy. Now that I am much too old for going door-to-door mooching free candy, I must conform to an adult Halloween tradition-buying my own candy. So, I bought my 5lb bag of Tootsie Rolls. Now what? After an awkward moment of putting it all in my pillowcase, I decided I must conform to yet another adult tradition-do-it-yourself crafts!

Making my grown up "pillowcases" was such a blast and they turned out so stinkin' cute! I decided to make a few and share the gift of Tootsie Rolls. Here's how to make your own Boo Boxes!

1. First you must find boxes. Look around the house, garage or head to your local craft store. I found 3 matching boxes at my local Deseret Industries (similar to a Salvation Army).


It's ok if the boxes already have a design on it. You're going to paint over it anyways

2. Trace on Halloween paper the outline of the box. You are going to use it as one of the sides. 

3. Paint the box! and let it dry

don't stress about painting it twice. it's ok if you can see the underneath layer-makes it look more rough and Halloweenie!

4. Use any Halloween scrapbook paper and cut outs to cover your box & whip out the mod podge (my best friend!)

5. Apply liberally and paint it on. You should have a medium/thick layer of the mod podge covering your box. It will disappear as it dries. After about 20 minutes reapply more mod podge. Let it dry for an hour.

While your painted box is drying, you can start on your ripped paper box.

1. Rip a bunch of pieces of the Halloween paper you used for your painted box.

2. Mix flour and water together to make a paste.

3. Dip the ripped pieces of paper into the gooey mixture and place anywhere on the box. You will get messy but, that's half the fun! Don't be perfect! Let your crazy self loose and start layering those scraps of paper!

4. After the gooey papers have dried (couple of hours) slather your box with my best friend-Mod Podge and let it dry for 30-60 minutes.

The finished product is no pillowcase but, a very grown up & cute gift. Fill it with some yummy candy and enjoy this beautiful month of October!

Happy Halloween!

**If you have any do-it-yourself ideas you'd like to share or have me tryout, leave a comment!**

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