Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happiness Makeover: Part 4

Thanksgiving is almost here! I've got the turkey defrosting in the fridge and all the ingredients for a "perfect" Thanksgiving in my kitchen. This is the first year my family has allowed me to cook our entire Thanksgiving meal. The pressure is on! Here are today's tips to deal with all the holiday pressure:

Morning Do a little deep breathing

Midmorning Treat Exercise. Getting your heart pumping works wonders on your mood (not to mention prepare for those extra calories on Thanksgiving)

Midday Take your lunch break outside. I know it's a little chilly but, catching a few rays will increase levels of the "happy hormone" serotonin.

Afternoon treat Write down five things you're grateful for. Keeping a gratitude journal for a month will boost your mood. 

Evening Stretch. Ease some of the tension you've stored in your neck, shoulders and back and regain some flexibility in your mind and body.

De-Stress Homework List three people who make you smile. Then pick up the phone and call them. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

$2 Christmas Decoration

The Holiday season can get pretty pricey so finding ways to save money and "cut corners" is essential for survival. Luckily there are so many great ideas to decorate on a budget. You might have rolled your eyes when you read the title of this post, "$2 Christmas Decoration" and thought to yourself, "yeah right..." But seriously! I only spent TWO DOLLARS!!!

What you'll need:
pine cones
red berries
hot glue gun

1. Take a walk. Pick up any dead branches or even break off branches from the tree in the backyard. Also, keep an eye out for pine cones. You'll need 6-8 to put on your decoration.


2. Once you've got a nice bundle of branches, bunch them together to look like antlers. Tie the branches together with yarn to keep them from falling all over the place


3. Next, use red berries from your local dollar store OR if while on your walk you find a bush with red berries, pick a few of those branches! Place the berries and pine cones randomly on the branches.


 5. Use your hot glue gun to keep the berries and pine cones in their place.


6. Tie a ribbon around the middle of your decoration. I found my ribbon at Dollar Tree. It had over 9 feet of ribbon so I can use it on other decorations or gift wrapping. 


Total amount spent was only $2!!! I love this decoration because I know it is one of a kind. Even if someone else made one, it won't look exactly like mine. Having to only spend $2 was also a nice perk. This decoration also gives off a nice woodsy smell--perfect for the holiday season. Happy decorating!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happiness Makeover: Part 3

According to the American Institute of Stress, more than 110 million Americans take medication for stress related causes. The holidays only increase stress levels and bring on the blue Christmases. So what's my advice? Plan for stress. If you know it's coming you can create an emergency escape route! Here are today's escapes:

Morning Do a crossword puzzle. Find it in your favorite newspaper, magazine or print one off your computer. having something fun to do will help take your mind off stress triggers.

Midmorning treat Hug someone. It is a natural stress and pain reliever. A simple embrace can also trigger a flood of endorphins!

Midday Try a yoga class. Practicing downward dog can lower your heart rate.

Afternoon treat Pet a dog--it may bring down your blood pressure. Just make sure it's not a stray with some form of rabies!

Evening Get some shut-eye. Missing out on a good night's rest (8 hours) makes you feel uptight and may lead to binge eating.

De-Stress Homework Write about something that is bugging you. Don't mince words Use extra paper if you need to. Then tear it up.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happiness Makeover: Part 2

After subscribing to multiple Black Friday email lists, I am officially on the prowl for the best deals. Finding that perfect holiday gift for the perfect price can be super stressful and to top it off the radio is already playing Christmas music-yikes! Here are today's tips for making sure you stay sane and stress free this holiday season. 

Morning Walk in the park. Do you have nature-deficit disorder? How about the kids? Take a nice walk in the beautiful outdoors. Autumn is here so make sure to throw on your jacket and a scarf. 

Midmoring treat
E-mail an old friend. Research shows that reaching out to a friend may decrease anxiety and boost self-esteem!

Midday Book a vacation, or just Google beautiful places you'd like to travel to. By simply imagining a calming scene can lower your levels of stress hormones!

Afternoon treat
Let a call go to voice mail. Finding ways to pause helps keep you centered.

Evening Escape into a good book. It doesn't have to be a classic. If you haven't started reading The Hunger Games series, you MUST!

De-Stress Homework Write down three things that make you feel calm