Ok, this recipe I am about to give y'all is probably my favorite recipe in the world. Never wanting to divulge this amazing secret, this blog post is kind of a big deal.
You see, I like to think that my family is the only people on the planet that even know this recipe exists. For those who choose to take the recipe seriously and cherish it like it should be cherished, you will be honorary members of my family.
This recipe only has FOUR ingredients...FOUR!!! You are probably wondering how these so-called amazing cookies are so guilt free. Well, first, you can eat as much of the cookie dough as you want without worrying about salmonella. There are exactly zero eggs in these cookies! Second reason, they don't put a dent in your diet. If you understand or follow Weight Watchers point system, these cookies are only 2 points. If you don't totally understand WW point system, 2 points for a cookie is CRAZY good!
box of white cake mix (you can substitute for yellow)
box of spice cake mix
29oz can of pumpkin
chocolate chips
Last reason these cookies are guilt free...they are super duper easy to make that you don't have to spend the entire afternoon slaving away in the kitchen aka more time with the family!
1. Preheat oven to 350
2. In a large bowl mix white cake mix & spice cake mix together.
3. Add in can of pumpkin. Mix it up
4. Once it is all mixed together and is creamy and delicious, add in your desired amount of chocolate chips
5. Using a spoon, start plopping your cookies onto a baking sheet. These cookies DO NOT spread out during cook time. What ever they look like on the pan before cooking, is what they will look like after they are cooked.
6. Slide 'em into the oven and set your timer for 8-12 minutes (remember all ovens are different!!)
7. When the tops of the cookies are just beginning to become firm, take them out! They will be a tad gooey but, they will set up and continue to cook on the cooling rack.
These cookies will stay moist and delicious for days! Just keep them stored in an ziplock bag, plastic wrap over a plate or in Tupperware.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Angel of Music
I had so much fun with this project! The idea came to me when I was brainstorming gift ideas for my sister-in-law. I knew she liked angels, music & writing (she just won the fantasy category for National Novel Writing Month-congrats!) So I decided to mix her favorite things into one awesome gift!
First order of business was to find an angel figurine. I finally found the perfect one at Family Dollar.
Don't worry if the angel isn't super cute because you're going to cover it!
Next, find some old sheet music and tear it into different sized strips.
Now make your "guck": Flour, water and a little bit of liquid glue. It should be a smooth consistency.
Dip strips into the guck and place on angel.
Cover angel completely. I used the end of a pen to get the music strips to stick in the small crevices. Let your angel dry over night.
Once your angel is completely dry, pull out my best friend-MOD PODGE and slather that angel!
Put the mod podge on your angel will give it a nice polished look. If you want the rough antique-y look, don't use mod podge but, you'll have to be careful with applying the "guck" and how your music strips lay on the figurine.
Let the podge dry then wrap it up and give it to a friend.
Other fun ideas:
Cover an old frame, flower pot or Christmas ornaments
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Happiness Makeover: Part 4
Thanksgiving is almost here! I've got the turkey defrosting in the fridge and all the ingredients for a "perfect" Thanksgiving in my kitchen. This is the first year my family has allowed me to cook our entire Thanksgiving meal. The pressure is on! Here are today's tips to deal with all the holiday pressure:
Morning Do a little deep breathing
Midmorning Treat Exercise. Getting your heart pumping works wonders on your mood (not to mention prepare for those extra calories on Thanksgiving)
Midday Take your lunch break outside. I know it's a little chilly but, catching a few rays will increase levels of the "happy hormone" serotonin.
Afternoon treat Write down five things you're grateful for. Keeping a gratitude journal for a month will boost your mood.
De-Stress Homework List three people who make you smile. Then pick up the phone and call them.
Morning Do a little deep breathing
Midmorning Treat Exercise. Getting your heart pumping works wonders on your mood (not to mention prepare for those extra calories on Thanksgiving)
Midday Take your lunch break outside. I know it's a little chilly but, catching a few rays will increase levels of the "happy hormone" serotonin.
Afternoon treat Write down five things you're grateful for. Keeping a gratitude journal for a month will boost your mood.
Evening Stretch. Ease some of the tension you've stored in your neck, shoulders and back and regain some flexibility in your mind and body.
De-Stress Homework List three people who make you smile. Then pick up the phone and call them.
Friday, November 18, 2011
$2 Christmas Decoration
The Holiday season can get pretty pricey so finding ways to save money and "cut corners" is essential for survival. Luckily there are so many great ideas to decorate on a budget. You might have rolled your eyes when you read the title of this post, "$2 Christmas Decoration" and thought to yourself, "yeah right..." But seriously! I only spent TWO DOLLARS!!!
What you'll need:
pine cones
red berries
hot glue gun
1. Take a walk. Pick up any dead branches or even break off branches from the tree in the backyard. Also, keep an eye out for pine cones. You'll need 6-8 to put on your decoration.
5. Use your hot glue gun to keep the berries and pine cones in their place.
What you'll need:
pine cones
red berries
hot glue gun
1. Take a walk. Pick up any dead branches or even break off branches from the tree in the backyard. Also, keep an eye out for pine cones. You'll need 6-8 to put on your decoration.
2. Once you've got a nice bundle of branches, bunch them together to look like antlers. Tie the branches together with yarn to keep them from falling all over the place
3. Next, use red berries from your local dollar store OR if while on your walk you find a bush with red berries, pick a few of those branches! Place the berries and pine cones randomly on the branches.
5. Use your hot glue gun to keep the berries and pine cones in their place.
6. Tie a ribbon around the middle of your decoration. I found my ribbon at Dollar Tree. It had over 9 feet of ribbon so I can use it on other decorations or gift wrapping.
Total amount spent was only $2!!! I love this decoration because I know it is one of a kind. Even if someone else made one, it won't look exactly like mine. Having to only spend $2 was also a nice perk. This decoration also gives off a nice woodsy smell--perfect for the holiday season. Happy decorating!!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Happiness Makeover: Part 3
According to the American Institute of Stress, more than 110 million Americans take medication for stress related causes. The holidays only increase stress levels and bring on the blue Christmases. So what's my advice? Plan for stress. If you know it's coming you can create an emergency escape route! Here are today's escapes:
Morning Do a crossword puzzle. Find it in your favorite newspaper, magazine or print one off your computer. having something fun to do will help take your mind off stress triggers.
Midmorning treat Hug someone. It is a natural stress and pain reliever. A simple embrace can also trigger a flood of endorphins!
Midday Try a yoga class. Practicing downward dog can lower your heart rate.
Afternoon treat Pet a dog--it may bring down your blood pressure. Just make sure it's not a stray with some form of rabies!
Evening Get some shut-eye. Missing out on a good night's rest (8 hours) makes you feel uptight and may lead to binge eating.
De-Stress Homework Write about something that is bugging you. Don't mince words Use extra paper if you need to. Then tear it up.
Morning Do a crossword puzzle. Find it in your favorite newspaper, magazine or print one off your computer. having something fun to do will help take your mind off stress triggers.
Midmorning treat Hug someone. It is a natural stress and pain reliever. A simple embrace can also trigger a flood of endorphins!
Midday Try a yoga class. Practicing downward dog can lower your heart rate.
Afternoon treat Pet a dog--it may bring down your blood pressure. Just make sure it's not a stray with some form of rabies!
Evening Get some shut-eye. Missing out on a good night's rest (8 hours) makes you feel uptight and may lead to binge eating.
De-Stress Homework Write about something that is bugging you. Don't mince words Use extra paper if you need to. Then tear it up.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Happiness Makeover: Part 2
After subscribing to multiple Black Friday email lists, I am officially on the prowl for the best deals. Finding that perfect holiday gift for the perfect price can be super stressful and to top it off the radio is already playing Christmas music-yikes! Here are today's tips for making sure you stay sane and stress free this holiday season.
Afternoon treat Let a call go to voice mail. Finding ways to pause helps keep you centered.
Morning Walk in the park. Do you have nature-deficit disorder? How about the kids? Take a nice walk in the beautiful outdoors. Autumn is here so make sure to throw on your jacket and a scarf.
Midmoring treat
E-mail an old friend. Research shows that reaching out to a friend may decrease anxiety and boost self-esteem!
Midday Book a vacation, or just Google beautiful places you'd like to travel to. By simply imagining a calming scene can lower your levels of stress hormones!
Evening Escape into a good book. It doesn't have to be a classic. If you haven't started reading The Hunger Games series, you MUST!
De-Stress Homework Write down three things that make you feel calm
Monday, October 31, 2011
Holiday Happiness Makeover
The holiday season is here. Hopefully you've finished putting together all the Halloween costumes for tonight's Trick-or-Treating and now you have less than a month before Thanksgiving! Among all the good things that come with the holidays, stress and depression are unwelcome guests. In an attempt to make each holiday perfect, you might find yourself running in all sorts of directions-- shopping, cooking, parties, cleaning, baking, entertaining...So much for a silent night, huh?
Throughout this holiday season, you can find helpful tips, activities, and "De-Stress Homework" here on FatCats blog!
Afternoon treat Massage your head and ears. Use all of your fingers, rub your scalp in a slow, firm circling motion. Move outward to massage every part of your ear.
Evening Clean out your purse. Tidying up at the end of the day helps you psychologically de-clutter!
Throughout this holiday season, you can find helpful tips, activities, and "De-Stress Homework" here on FatCats blog!
Day one:
Morning Turn your shower into an invigoration aromatherapy session with lavender, vanilla or chamomile soap.
Morning Turn your shower into an invigoration aromatherapy session with lavender, vanilla or chamomile soap.
Midmorning treat Chew gum. Australian researchers found, "the use of chewing gum was associated with higher alertness, reduced anxiety and stress, and improvement in overall performance on multi-tasking activities."
Midday Catch up with a friend over lunch. Getting together often with your girlfriends may help you live longer and be happier.
Afternoon treat Massage your head and ears. Use all of your fingers, rub your scalp in a slow, firm circling motion. Move outward to massage every part of your ear.
De-Stress Homework List three things you really like about yourself.
I want to hear from you! If you are going to apply these de-stressing activities to your life, tell me about it! Leave your comments below. Thanks!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
a Trick for holding your Treats!
Who decided that it's creepy for a 22 year old to dress up for Halloween and go Trick-or-Treating...? What other day can a girl get a pillowcase full of candy and not feel guilty about eating it all within 2 weeks? Uh...none!
Halloween is one of my most favorite holidays! I think every holiday should include loads of make-up, pumpkin carving & handfuls of candy. Now that I am much too old for going door-to-door mooching free candy, I must conform to an adult Halloween tradition-buying my own candy. So, I bought my 5lb bag of Tootsie Rolls. Now what? After an awkward moment of putting it all in my pillowcase, I decided I must conform to yet another adult tradition-do-it-yourself crafts!
don't stress about painting it twice. it's ok if you can see the underneath layer-makes it look more rough and Halloweenie!
Halloween is one of my most favorite holidays! I think every holiday should include loads of make-up, pumpkin carving & handfuls of candy. Now that I am much too old for going door-to-door mooching free candy, I must conform to an adult Halloween tradition-buying my own candy. So, I bought my 5lb bag of Tootsie Rolls. Now what? After an awkward moment of putting it all in my pillowcase, I decided I must conform to yet another adult tradition-do-it-yourself crafts!
Making my grown up "pillowcases" was such a blast and they turned out so stinkin' cute! I decided to make a few and share the gift of Tootsie Rolls. Here's how to make your own Boo Boxes!
1. First you must find boxes. Look around the house, garage or head to your local craft store. I found 3 matching boxes at my local Deseret Industries (similar to a Salvation Army).
It's ok if the boxes already have a design on it. You're going to paint over it anyways
2. Trace on Halloween paper the outline of the box. You are going to use it as one of the sides.
don't stress about painting it twice. it's ok if you can see the underneath layer-makes it look more rough and Halloweenie!
4. Use any Halloween scrapbook paper and cut outs to cover your box & whip out the mod podge (my best friend!)
5. Apply liberally and paint it on. You should have a medium/thick layer of the mod podge covering your box. It will disappear as it dries. After about 20 minutes reapply more mod podge. Let it dry for an hour.
1. Rip a bunch of pieces of the Halloween paper you used for your painted box.
2. Mix flour and water together to make a paste.
3. Dip the ripped pieces of paper into the gooey mixture and place anywhere on the box. You will get messy but, that's half the fun! Don't be perfect! Let your crazy self loose and start layering those scraps of paper!
5. Apply liberally and paint it on. You should have a medium/thick layer of the mod podge covering your box. It will disappear as it dries. After about 20 minutes reapply more mod podge. Let it dry for an hour.
While your painted box is drying, you can start on your ripped paper box.
1. Rip a bunch of pieces of the Halloween paper you used for your painted box.
2. Mix flour and water together to make a paste.
3. Dip the ripped pieces of paper into the gooey mixture and place anywhere on the box. You will get messy but, that's half the fun! Don't be perfect! Let your crazy self loose and start layering those scraps of paper!
4. After the gooey papers have dried (couple of hours) slather your box with my best friend-Mod Podge and let it dry for 30-60 minutes.
The finished product is no pillowcase but, a very grown up & cute gift. Fill it with some yummy candy and enjoy this beautiful month of October!
Happy Halloween!
**If you have any do-it-yourself ideas you'd like to share or have me tryout, leave a comment!**
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Everything's Better With Chocolate!
Whether you are a pro on the lanes or struggle to keep your score above 40 (ahem! me...), a great way to have even more fun while bowling is the candy game!
Never heard of the candy game, eh? It's fun and easy! Before your party or group date, find a bowl, jar or cup you'd like to take. Next, buy your favorite colorful candy (Skittles and M&Ms work best)
By yourself or as a group, you can decide the action that goes with the color. When it is your turn to bowl you close your eyes and pick a piece of candy and do the action that goes with that color. Best part? You can EAT the candy!
Here is my list (for M&Ms):
Green=bowl in slow motion
Orange=bowl with your eyes closed
Blue=bowl backward
Yellow=bowl with your other hand
Red=bowl through your legs
Brown=FREEBIE! You decide what you want to do!
Playing the candy game can help break the ice. It levels the playing field and allows you to laugh at yourself.
If you have any other fun games to play while bowling or more ideas for the candy game, leave a comment!
Print this for your table on your lane!
Never heard of the candy game, eh? It's fun and easy! Before your party or group date, find a bowl, jar or cup you'd like to take. Next, buy your favorite colorful candy (Skittles and M&Ms work best)
By yourself or as a group, you can decide the action that goes with the color. When it is your turn to bowl you close your eyes and pick a piece of candy and do the action that goes with that color. Best part? You can EAT the candy!
Here is my list (for M&Ms):
Green=bowl in slow motion
Orange=bowl with your eyes closed
Blue=bowl backward
Yellow=bowl with your other hand
Red=bowl through your legs
Brown=FREEBIE! You decide what you want to do!
Playing the candy game can help break the ice. It levels the playing field and allows you to laugh at yourself.
If you have any other fun games to play while bowling or more ideas for the candy game, leave a comment!
Print this for your table on your lane!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Favorite FatCats Moment
Another chance to win @ FatCats on Facebook! All you have to do is post about your favorite FatCats moment! Three ways to win: post a story, video or picture!
~ There will be one winner from each category.
~ You may only win in one category.
~ Your moment must be family friendly
~ You may only win on one FatCats page
~ Have fun!
Winner's tips:
Photos are easy to share with your Facebook friends
Share the FatCats link on your wall so Facebook friends can find your post easily
My Favorite FatCats Moment(s) are whenever my sister and I go! We are 6 years apart but, we are best friends! We ALWAYS have a blast at FatCats! We can never seem to get bowling scores higher than 50 but, it doesn't matter. We spend most of our time dancing, laughing and eating delicious food! Thanks FatCats!
~ There will be one winner from each category.
~ You may only win in one category.
~ Your moment must be family friendly
~ You may only win on one FatCats page
~ Have fun!
Winner's tips:
Photos are easy to share with your Facebook friends
Share the FatCats link on your wall so Facebook friends can find your post easily
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Easy as 1...2...3! Party Planning Made Easy (Part 2)
Are you in charge of the company party this year? The semi-annual church get-together? Family reunion? or little Jane's birthday party? Well, FatCats is the place for you!!!
FatCats is always happy and willing to take on the stresses of your party. All it takes is a phone call to your location's Events Manager. Before you call, you should already have in mind:
Depending on your location we can do balloons, themes, welcome signs, goodie bags, decorations and SO much more!!! A party at FatCats is easy on the wallet and your sanity.
You can always have the party at your house BUT, let's face it...that's a lot of work! You'd have to:
~Spend the day in the kitchen preparing the food
~Use the dining room chair to stand on to hang all the streamers and balloons
~Create a bunch of games to keep the party guests entertained
~After the guests have spilled soda on your sofa and broken some furniture (on accident of course...) you have to get out the mop and broom and clean up.
Now imagine a world where you still get to have your party but, someone else does all the above... Hmmm, sounds like you are at FatCats!
What we do:
Plan your activities
Reserve the lanes
Provide the food
Greet & host your guests
Set up & CLEAN UP!!!
What you do:
Show up
Bring the birthday cake
Have fun!
FatCats is always happy and willing to take on the stresses of your party. All it takes is a phone call to your location's Events Manager. Before you call, you should already have in mind:
1. Your Budget. FatCats can work with any budget!
2. How many people will be at your fabulous party!
(Make sure you give FatCats a 72 hour notice)
Depending on your location we can do balloons, themes, welcome signs, goodie bags, decorations and SO much more!!! A party at FatCats is easy on the wallet and your sanity.
You can always have the party at your house BUT, let's face it...that's a lot of work! You'd have to:
~Spend the day in the kitchen preparing the food
~Use the dining room chair to stand on to hang all the streamers and balloons
~Create a bunch of games to keep the party guests entertained
~After the guests have spilled soda on your sofa and broken some furniture (on accident of course...) you have to get out the mop and broom and clean up.
Now imagine a world where you still get to have your party but, someone else does all the above... Hmmm, sounds like you are at FatCats!
What we do:
Plan your activities
Reserve the lanes
Provide the food
Greet & host your guests
Set up & CLEAN UP!!!
What you do:
Show up
Bring the birthday cake
Have fun!
Provo- 801.373.1863
SLC- 801.262.9890
Ogden- 801.627.4386
Rexburg- 208.359.2600
Westminster- 303.466.7515
For more party info visit our website (click here)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
"Ooooh, back to school, back to school--to prove to dad that I'm not a fool"
The last weeks of summer are quickly disappearing. School is almost here! As a child, I looked forward to going back to school. A new year, new clothes, brand new (still sharp) crayons & that Barbie lunch box I just had to have. Looking back, I robbed my parents blind. Although my school supply list said "crayons", I neglected to tell Mom & Dad that I still had the box from last year. The crayons inside were all different sizes and weren't sharp anymore--I just wanted new stuff. School shopping doesn't have to be like that. Here is a list of budget friendly tips for back to school shopping!
1. Take Inventory. Rummage through last year's supplies. If your child says they don't know where their last year's trapper keeper is, they are lying. I always hid my old ones, ha! After gathering all of last year's school supplies, you should have a pretty good idea of what you do and don't need to buy at the store.
2. Hold a swap meet. If your now 7th grader has out-grown the perfectly good Transformers lunch box, call in the friends, family and neighbors and have a swap party. Bring gently used clothes, shoes, back packs, & school supplies. This is also a good way to keep the clutter levels down. One man's garbage is another man's brand new lunch box.
3. Keep your budget in mind. Don't get all crazy at the store. "Oh! Little Johnny would LOVE this pencil sharpener that flashes when you use it!" Chances are it is double the price of a regular pencil sharpener and anything that flashes is never a good idea in a classroom.
4. Separate wants from needs. This includes setting your child's expectations.
5. Make a list. Don't head into Target blind. You'll end up with too many red pens, glue sticks and lined paper.
I am torn about when to go school shopping...Some say to do it all through the summer and find the good deals. Others tell you to wait. In my house, we always waited for the teacher's list. That means we'd have to wait until school actually started before we could stock up on our new supplies. This tactic seemed to work for my mom.
During all the back to school adventures, make sure you get your child involved! Invite them to the swap meet to sort through new clothes. Have them help you take inventory, set a budget and set expectations. Soon it has become memorable family time.
After finally gathering all of the necessities (plus some) for back to school, get on over to FatCats to relieve some stress! Our Kids Bowl Free program goes until the last day of August. If you haven't taken advantage of this yet, it's not too late! (click here)
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